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Durham, CT, United States

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Homage to the Cake Boss

Well it's been a real think-tank around here, everybody in the family trying to nail down a theme for Nora's upcoming 7th birthday. We finally made some progress today. After seeing one of Tara Jay's awesome cake photographs on FB, I asked her (on a lark) if she would consider doing a cake decorating session for the party. She said YES and I am grateful to cross that one off the list. At tuck-in just moments ago, I probed a little further.
Here's me, "You know what you need to do next?"
Nora replied, "What?"
"You need to jot down a few things that you would like for your birthday."
Well she cut me off like a texting teen behind the wheel and offered in a whisper, "You know what I want?
"What Nora?"
"A robot that does everything for my family."
I cannot stop laughing.