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Durham, CT, United States

Friday, July 16, 2010

Guns ~ for the kid in you

Is it wrong of me to use an image of my son toting a gun as the cover of his birthday thank you notes? But nothing better captures the revolutionary spirit of Aidan's sleepover birthday extravaganza than this photo of him sizing up his next target (in this case, me) using a Nerf weapon. Are you picturing a half dozen 8-9 year old boys infiltrating splinter factions in every pocket of my yard with varying degrees of Nerf artillery. And it seems like only yesterday that I bonded with other new moms at play groups over our tacit commitment to raising nonviolent males based on our loosely researched position to keep all manner of toy guns OUT of our homes. It was our responsibility after all. Violence was not something we were willing to condone. Since then, as most mothers of boys become quickly schooled, weaponry has spawned itself. Seemingly benign Legos and Lincoln Logs render themselves rifle butts or better still, nature lends a helping hand by improvising with limitless sticks. Wrap them up with some electrical tape, and you've got something high-end, specialized. After awhile, the battle to sequester young boys from their weapons of choice becomes pointless and you end up with photos like this one and mail them to friends. Voila!