
About Me

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Durham, CT, United States

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hocus Precocious

"Mommy, will these nibbles grow up to be boobs?" - spoken like a true-blue American-bred daughter (yikes!). Only four at the time when this gem was scribbled onto paper, my youngest daughter is filled with vision for her future as we generally spend hours each week pretending we're moms (still not clear who's doing the pretending), chatting on our cellphones, toting babies around, and making plans together. Her vision of motherhood and being a wife is at times hysterical, and sometimes so completely on-point that I convince myself that she really gets it. When she talks about her husband working late or I notice the way in which she so readily mirrors my facial expressions (eye-rolling mastered), I realize our kids really do reflect us. Anyway, not much of a blog for now, but it will have to do for a few days since I'm setting out for a short vacation. Stay tuned - I've got blogs in the hopper.