Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Blog Job
I'm serious about this blog. For the first time in almost ten years when my first child was born, I am taking a genuine stab at something other than surrendering myself to the improvement of my home (and yes, cleaning toilets qualifies), or endeavoring to build genius material among my brood. Yet clearly I'm not cut out for this since just over two weeks into it, I find myself making pathetic apologies to my children for oversights. Last night, I promised to wash some clothes for my fashion plate. At bedtime, the clothes had indeed been washed, but I crawled into bed forgetting to dry them. By morning I remembered, and slunk downstairs to turn on the dryer. When my daughter was getting dressed and asked after her jeans, I hemmed and hawed, all the while apologizing that they were still tumbling. I suggested she wear her PJ bottoms until just before we leave for school. At the appointed hour, she extracted her jeans from the dryer, only to find that they were uncomfortably damp. I was annoyed, but I actually felt bad about the whole event. As she whined well past the time we usually leave, I thought a tardy would quickly turn into a "sick" day. She rallied, we left, and her jeans were dry by nine. How can it be that the addition of a thirty minute-a-day blog can wreak havoc for a family of five? And what does it say about the matriarch and her habits, schedules and accomplishments?