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Durham, CT, United States

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Worst Mother Ever

A month of Christmas television specials have already come and gone since Thanksgiving, and my three kids have seen exactly ZERO of them. Well, Nora did see the Grinch on video one day because we own it, and all three of them saw part of Elf at their cousins' house on Thanksgiving. But that's it. By contrast, when I was a kid I flipped through that thick TV Guide like it was a dog-earred Bible. I had the whole week scheduled out. The toughest nights were those on which two equally AWESOME Christmas shows were airing at the same time. But today, in a tech-crazy world of streaming and on-demand programming, my kids could conceivably be watching Christmas shows all day, every day. But their ingorance is my bliss. I have checked the listings online often during the past month, checking for a show they could watch together. But whenever I softened enough to think I would let them stay up to watch something, I changed my mind well before 8 o'clock. Aidan doesn't even know about Jim Carey's character in Pet Detective, yet he mimics it beautifully every night between 6 and 8. All three of them are wild that time of night, and it's all I can do to get them up the stairs by 8 pm.